Physical Therapy
The physical therapy services have a primary focus on motor coordination, posture, fine and gross motor strength/endurance and sensory integration as related to tone, motor planning and coordination. We serve children between the ages of 0-21 years with various diagnoses such as torticollis, S.I disorders, developmental delays, autism, ADHD, cerebral palsy, and downs syndrome. Our diversely qualified staff strives to create a difference in the quality of lives of these children and their family unit.
Your child may need Physical Therapy services if they exhibit any of the following:
Seeks constant movement.
Is fearful of playground equipment like swings, slides, and ladders.
Appears clumsy, frequent falls, bumps into or trips over things.
Has difficulty with gross motor tasks like stairs, jumping, skipping, standing on one foot, ball skills, bike riding.
Stands with poor posture
Walks on toes
Some diagnoses that Physical Therapists treat include:
Sensory Integrative Dysfunction
Developmental Delay
Prematurity and High Risk infants
Balance and coordination disorder
Cerebral Palsy
Neuromuscular Disorders
Birth or Traumatic Brain Injury
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Handwriting struggles, Dysgraphia
Sensory Integration Therapy
Sensory integration is the brain’s ability to take in, process, and organize sensory information that we perceive through different sensory systems in our bodies. Through our senses, we develop an understanding of our world, and it drives motor development. Typically this occurs without us even being aware. Our sensory systems working together to allow us to successfully perform various activities across environments. If a child has sensory integration dysfunction or is not processing incoming sensory information from the environment in an efficient way, it is something that is not typically outgrown.
Sensory integration dysfunction can be considered a hidden problem because it is not as noticeable as physical impairments or speech delays (PTN, 2004). When a problem is difficult to see or understand, parents and children may begin to blame themselves which can result in family tension, poor self-esteem and a general feeling of hopelessness. Interventions based on Sensory Integration Therapy is child-directed; sensory experiences are enhanced through meaningful play.
Integrated Listening Systems
iLs is a multi-sensory program for improving brain function. It is an enjoyable activity, or “exercise”, which can be customized for all ages and skill levels for implementation in clinic, school or home.
Based on clinically proven outcomes, iLs programs utilize psychoacoustically modified music to strengthen existing pathways and create new neural connections/pathways in the brain (“neuroplasticity”). iLs has a global effect on the brain and central nervous system, influencing the following systems: balance, visual, auditory, motor, coordination, behavior and emotional regulation. As a result, it is successfully implemented for a wide variety of conditions:
Learning difficulties, reading, auditory processing
Attention & regulation
Sensory processing
Speech & Language
Autism and other neuro-developmental difficulties
To learn more about iLs, visit:
The Safe and Sound Protocol
The SSP is designed to improve an individual’s social communication behaviors by reducing hearing sensitivities and improving the processing of auditory information. Some children have hypersensitive auditory processing which can affect their ability to adequately process incoming sensory information from the environment. The SSP exercises the neural pathways associated with state regulation and social engagement and is designed as a tool to help improve the processing of this information.
To learn more about SSP, visit: